Thursday, February 2, 2012

Quality is about the Finer Things

When we write, we should always think of quality instead of quantity.  True quantity can also be a good thing, but we should always shoot for quality in our work.  And quality really is about the finer things.

Fine things tend to build up the puzzle of quality work.  It's all connected.  If we fill it with garbage, that is all you are going to get.  A black plastic bag filled with worthless junk.  We don't want that to fill up our writing.  That is not what we are about.

Anyone who attempts to write a novel, doesn't want it to be a junky skeleton with no brain.  We want something that people are going to want to read.  We don't want them to stop after the first page and toss the book aside.  We want them to keep reading until the very end. 

What defines quality?  It is all the important additives that make up a novel, an awesome poem or short story.  An article that grabs your attention and makes you read on until the very last word.  You know a reader is bored when they find themselves skimming just to get to the end.  Sometimes all they want are bits and pieces.

Work on the finer things and make sure you are clear and concise throughout the piece you are writing.  Write about what you know.  You don't want to write about something you know nothing about.  How are you going to be able to write about something like that?  Could be impossible if you don't attempt to do any research.

As writers, we are always practicing our craft.  Striving to be the best of the best.  We want to be heard and known.  We want to attract readers to our stuff.

We should always be writing anyway, no matter if it is perfect or not.  And a good writer always goes back in and edits and fine tunes his or her stuff.  Check for spelling errors, scenes that don't work, character flaws and anything else that just simply doesn't fit.

And we should always be reading anything under the sun.  I have often enjoyed reading books on writing.  Janet Evanovich has a cool book on her craft of writing.  I read it and loved it.  And I have read at least one of her Stephanie Plum books.  Today, I have discovered that Katherine Heigl's new movie, One For the Money is based on one of Janet's books.  I will have to go see it, seeing as I have gotten Janet's characters in my head.

They need to come up with more movies based on the James Patterson books.  I have read a bunch of his books and loved them.  Violent, but good.  I like that his chapters are short and sweet.  Most readers don't like a really long chapter.  They like to find a nice quick resting place to stop reading for a moment.  Give your readers breaks.  Most of us can't read a book in one sitting.

Jennifer Jo Fay

Copyrighted February 2, 2012

one of my items I am selling on Ebay.  I will take some lovely close up pictures of her before she is gone, so I can use them on my blogs.

If anyone likes paperdolls or knows someone who likes paper dolls, check out my paperdoll post on each of my blogs where my paper dolls are for sale:  The Official Paper Doll Blog 

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