Saturday, June 2, 2012

Yummy Blueberry Lemonade Smoothie Recipe

Here we are into the ripe summer days.  May was also hot and we have been experiencing some hot summer days a tad bit early.

In fact, all winter and spring we have been presently surprised by nice weather.  Here in Vermont, I didn't need to put on my boots once.  We never got any huge blizzard.  At least in my neck of the woods.

So, now we are getting hot and are thinking of nice cool drinks.  Lemonade, iced tea, sodas, smoothies and other types of drinks.
And if you are like me, you have gone to PINTEREST and scrolled through all the good looking stuff.  I'll tell you that a lot of those drinks and smoothies recipes look awesome.

About three weeks ago, I started experimenting with my own drinks.  I would do half of a gingerale or a Sprite.  And I would also add either pineapple juice or Ruby Red Grapefruit juice.  And sometimes I would add orange juice.  One day, I added one of those fruit punch packets from my girls Lunchables.  Sometimes they don't put the packet into their bottled water.

That sparked my youngest, Julia to experiment with her own little concoctions.  They were good, but the fruit punch was very sweet.
Here's today's recipe.  I bought blueberries this week and wanted to make a drink.

Blueberry Lemonade smoothie

1 container of fresh blueberries, placed in blender with some water.  Blend up.
Then add to your pitcher or other container.
Add more water.
Add a lemonade packet and about 1 cup of sugar
Add some orange juice.
Mix it all together and you have your drink.

It's wicked good.  My cup is almost gone.  Time to go get some more.

Jennifer Jo Fay

June 2, 2012

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