Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Think Twice Before you call it Quits (relationships, marriage, babies, jobs and calling quits on my website. Don't throw in the towel yet.

Think twice before you call it quits.  This would apply to almost anything.  A relationship, a job, an opportunity, a business, a website, a marriage and just about anything else that applies.

When it is a relationship or a marriage, you really have to think hard about all the options.  Think about all the things that are good and all the bad.  Which outweighs the other?  Is one worse and you just can't deal with it?

Perhaps make a list of all the positive things and then all the bad things that you can't stand.  Then examine them and decide which is worse.  Explore all the things that could happen if you decide to throw in the towel.  Think really hard.  Is the relationship for you?  Can you work out all the kinks?  Will you be satisfied and most of all will you be happy with the outcome?  Or is it the change that is going to make things better. 

Think really hard.  Can you really walk away from her or him?  Or aren't they the perfect fit?  Or perhaps is it something in the relationship that you want to change.  A fault.  A compromise.  A change in a situation.  A move.  A big step?  Moving in together.  Tying the knot.  Having a baby.  Having more than one.  Moving to a new house.  Change in a job.

Whatever it is, you both need to sit down and talk about it.  And as a relationship moves on to something more serious, naturally one or both of you are going to want to decide on making a move in the relationship.  Are you ready yet to begin your life under one roof?  Moving in together can be a big deal.  But usually it is something at least one or both of you would want.  Usually this is the girl hoping for it.  Or the girl hoping for marriage.  Lets face it, the girl wants to change her address.

Make sure you are both ready for either moving in together or getting hitched.  Either way, if it ends up being a really long time before it is talked about, one of the two of you is going to question the relationship and want more.  Or leave.

So that is relationships.  Then there is babies.  That is another huge step in life.  Make sure you are ready to play russian roulette, because once that egg is planted, there is no turning back.  And believe me, they will change your life whether you want it to or not.  But they are great.  I love my four.  But at this point in my life, I wouldn't want any more.  If I ever ended up pregnant by some fluke, I surely would love it to death anyway, but I have reached the age where I am done.  I was a breeder, but four is my limit.

Spend time together before you have kids.  Then your time is cut in half.

So that is babies.

The other things when you want to call it quits is your job.  Maybe you want a change.  Tired of your current place of work.  The hours aren't that great, the pay is bad or you aren't happy working where you are at.  Weigh out all the options.  Can you live on less money?  Can you find a different job?  Do you want to do what you really love?

So that's the job.

Now there is the website that you have created for your new business.  This is where I am at.  Well, there are things I would like in my relationship too, but this present thought today has been my website. 

My paper doll website has only been up and fully running for the last three months.  It's seen 2030 visitors, but no emails, comments or sales.  I've been kind of bummed out.  This morning, I was almost seriously thinking of calling Vistaprint and pulling the plug.  I called a few other places that I needed to get a hold of, found out I had a credit on one of my utilities so I don't have to pay it for a few months.  That was nice to hear.  Then I was almost ready to call and cancel the website.

Then I got online to my site, went in to edit the website for a minute and add a share button for twitter tweets.  I should go in and do that on every page.  As I was doing that and looking at my stuff and my account, I had a slight change of heart.  I called them up anyway.  I wanted some questions answered and was kind of ready to cancel if I felt like it.

Then, I thought of my old websites that I had created last year in the beginning of the year.  I only gave those two months at the most and I was told by lots of people that I gave up too soon.  And those sites were more expensive and I didn't realize I was locked into a contract for a year and I had to fork over more money to them for quitting early.  And I made nothing.  I was really bummed out by no sales.

So when I was on the phone, I thought back to that time.  And I talked with the girl about calling it quits too early.  I told her I really did want to stick it out for a year.  But I started to ask her some questions about advertising and all the info about google ranks and getting found.  I told her I really couldn't afford to pay for all kinds of advertising.  But we talked about free advertising and different ways of advertising.  Getting the word out.

Of course, all along I have been using my blogs, facebook (which is friends and family and your friends and family usually don't buy your stuff.  They would rather have it for nothing)., twitter, digg (which I have been told is a wasteland), stumbleupon, delicious, buzzfeed, linkedin, myspace, igoogle, blogher, and any other type of social bookmarking site.

I am considering getting my paperdolls on one of the blogs to have for sale on the blogs.  And Blogger is free. 

While I was on the phone with her today, she mentioned googling free advertising, which I started to do.  Then she mentioned googling paper doll groups and joining and doing some free advertising with people that are into the same thing.  I thought that was a very good idea and tried to join two places so far.

Then I started looking at free advertising.  I started with Yelt and discovered I was sent to a section where I was supposed to pay.  Not free.  Backed out of there.  Then I went to Manta.  I was able to get my website on there for free.  Of course they want you to pay if you want more exposure.  But I called to verify my listing and told them I couldn't afford to pay and could just do the free advertising. 

Then, I discovered another place.  Intuit.  I thought, "Oh great, now I am back to my other old website service."  I really liked their website builder though.  It was my favorite site out of the three places I created a website with.  I had one with GoDaddy.com  but never really got that one started.  I had one with web.com but I didn't like their website builder as well.

So, today as I started to sign up for Intuit, I read very carefully the plan.  You can have a free website with them for up to a year and then they charge you $4.99 a month.  Which that isn't that bad.  Especially if by then I'm getting some orders.  Which I really hope.  So today, I have signed up for the free plan for a year.  What you get is a domain, 3 pages and I'm forgetting the other part.  Maybe the memory space?

Which for what I want it for, 3 pages is fine.  So I have published the first page today.  It hasn't been registered yet, but I imagine by tomorrow it will be.  I basically got my first page, with business, address, all the important information.  A big introduction which also refers them to my writing sites and my blogs.  Might as well advertise for them too.  Then at the bottom of the first page I had added a few of the paper doll pictures with some details.  I think my second page will have lots of other pictures and then my third page will be an order form with all the details for them to order.  I haven't decided if I'm going to add paypal buttons.  I don't want to suddenly have two websites where I am paying. 

But what it will be basically for is to direct them to the full blown website.  Where they can order paper dolls.

So, I'm not calling it quits on my website yet.  I should give it a good year.  If I was to quit now, I would always be wondering, "What if I had given it a year?  Maybe I would be getting sales."

Paper dolls aren't a neccessity.  It is a specialty.  But people are buying them.  I go to look at the OPDAG paperdoll magazine and I see all these popular new paper doll artists that seem to be making money at what they do.  And I wonder to myself, "How are they doing it?"  I probably should ask the editor to have an article from one of them about the secrets to success and having a successful paper doll website.  That would be really helpful to read.

I once was told by another artist that I had something really unique that could take off and become a business.  I have always remembered that, and now I think, "REALLY?  How do I attempt to do that?  With luck?" 

And another person said it takes a lot of advertising.

Well anyway the new advertising website is going to be:  http://www.jennyjopaperdoll.com/  That's the domain name.  But I'm not sure if it will work until I get it registered.

jenniferjofaypaperdolls.net  My paper doll website.

I would really appreciate it if anyone would leave a comment with some possible suggestions.  I will take anything.  I feel like I'm just grasping at straws right now.

Which seems to be the same with the writing sites and earning money writing online.  That's more fun than anything.  And it's kind of fun to see a little bit of money trickle in.  I've actually had enough to buy a dunkin donuts pound of coffee and then some.  And with the writing sites we are getting practice and connecting with a community of writers.  Which is always a good thing.

And selling on ebay is great.  But I would love it even more if my paper doll website could just take flight.  I don't want to throw in the towel just yet.  What if someday I got found?  That would be great.  And if not, I have the paperdolls anyway to pass down to my kids.  But I would love to see it become something else.
Money in my pocket.

So anyway, any suggestions would be helpful.  Maybe there are some things I haven't thought of.

Jennifer Jo Fay

Copyrighted January 31, 2012

If anyone likes paperdolls or knows someone who likes paper dolls, check out my paperdoll post on each of my blogs where my paper dolls are for sale:

http://jenniferpaperdolls.blogspot.com/  The Official Paper Doll Blog

Monday, January 30, 2012

I love myself enough to walk away

Divorce and separation are never an easy thing.  But when you know that it isn't going to work out you really have to love yourself enough to walk away.

When things are really rough and you don't like how you are being treated, you need to look at things in perspective.  Is it more harmful to me to stay in this marriage?  Is it hurting me to stay? 

Sometimes women stay in a marriage even though they are being treated badly.  They think they love the guy and are willing to stay and keep getting shattered every day.  They take the hurtful words and let them dig into their bodies and destroy their minds.

When do you know that you need to get yourself out?  If you really love yourself, you will walk away before it is too late.  A harmful, hurtful marriage will slowly eat at you and destroy you until there is no end and you will start to get the blurry eyes and you won't know what is good and what is bad.

Get out now. 

When you have kids, it is harder to leave.  Many women want to stay in the marriage for their sake.  They want their children to be in an intact marriage.  But it is no good for the children, when they can clearly see that Mom  or Dad is unhappy.  Unhappy parents make for unhappy kids.  And an unhealthy childhood.

Leave.  They will thank you for it.  It means that you are just going to have new beginnings where you are going to be happy.  That is what you want.  Perhaps a new love.  I did.  I found new love and fresh starts.  And my kids are happy for me. 

And the thing you want to stress to your kids the most, is that when Mom and Dad get divorced it doesn't mean that you are going to love them any less.  You want them to know that you are always going to love them.  That hasn't changed.  Mom and Dad both love you.  Love for your children never should change.  You don't want them to feel angry that Mom or Dad doesn't love them anymore.  That isn't true and you know it.  But sometimes they don't know it and it is your job to tell them that you love them.  Often.

Jennifer Jo Fay

Copyrighted January 30, 2012


http://mommiedearest101.blogspot.com/  Mommie Dearest 101
http://bloggersblock.blogspot.com/  Bloggers Block
http://jennyjofayfancyphotography.com/  Wordpress where I am writing my new novels

If anyone likes paperdolls or knows someone who likes paper dolls, check out my paperdoll post on each of my blogs where my paper dolls are for sale:

http://jenniferpaperdolls.blogspot.com/  The Official Paper Doll Blog

How Do You Start a New Day?

How do you begin your day?  It's a new dawn of a sparkling fresh new day and many of us begin by worrying about all kinds of little things.

What is going to happen at work today?  Will my car break down again?  I forgot to pack my kids school lunch.  My daughter missed the bus and now I have to bring her to school.  I started the morning by spilling my coffee.  The microwave has hit the fritz.  The dog is whining to go outside.  Again.  And again.

There are so many things that get in the way of having us start our mornings off right.

And so we wake up, gather what we want to wear for the day and we look at our morning face in the oval mirror.  Who am I today?  I don't really look any different.  But am I?  I think I have changed somehow, but I can't see it yet.  It's under the surface and hasn't boiled over yet.

And then we think, should I wear the red babydoll shirt with the white polka dots or the green babydoll shirt with the flowers on it?  I can't decide.  And then do I want to wear a skirt or my slacks?  Socks or tights?  I pick socks over tights as the tights are always a little too small at the waist and I don't want to deal with that today.

And then if you are wearing a dress to go to work and you put on your nylons, you groan and moan as you notice that huge run going down the lower leg.  It's going to show so you take it off and search for a good pair that is going to last at least one more day.

I remember so many times when I would be painting my small runs with some nail polish so that it wouldn't spread.  A trick I learned from my mother.

So, once we are dressed and have the day's normal costume on, we head downstairs to grab a quick bite to eat and our morning's wake up coffee.  Hopefully strong.  But I have never been a fan of black coffee.  I need my cream and sugar.  And then more and more sugar.  No wonder my daughter wants to drink my coffee.  It's sweet.  Some days, I discover that my nine year old daughter has just drunk half my coffee.  And it's going down her little throat.

There's so many mornings that just get so hectic.  I have memories of getting all my kids ready for school.  I thought that they would always miss the bus.  They dragged their feet and were slow to get off the couch, get dressed and make sure that everything is in their backpack.  And at night I would be the last one to bed, as I was always making sure that all papers were filled out and lunches ready to go. 

And to get them to hold their feet still while I struggled to tie their shoes.  Or force on a sock.  This was when they were younger. 

Now, they are a little more independent. 

And then once the kids have hopped on the bus and they are now on their way to school, you feel like you can catch your breath for a moment.  Yet, now you have to make the commute to go to work.  Face the traffic, get your coffee to go.  Spill it on your tie on the way.  Have to make a quick stop as someone has run a red light or you didn't see the person in front of you stopping fast.  And then you might have to wait for the long train to go by.

And once you get to work, you begin to settle in and become a part of the fast paced work day.  And you silently wonder, "When am I going to be done?  I'm tired already."

And you wonder where you left your face.  Your changed face.  It was changing wasn't it.  Did you leave it home?

And if you are a writer like me, now you are sitting down in front of your computer screen and you are pondering what you want to write about today.  You haven't really thought too much about what it was you wanted to express today.  I know I didn't.

I went to bed last night with my HTC tablet that I didn't end up using last night.  Sleepiness took over.  And I had my brand new daily blog planner by the bed too and I didn't write in that either.

If you don't have a daily blog planner, I suggest that you get one.  I was on Pinterest yesterday and saw all these pins for daily blog planners, special blog note paper, and all kinds of other things for blogging.  And I thought, "Hey that's a good idea."

A blog planner could kind of be like a blog notebook.  Write out each day and write notes.  Like:  January 30, 2012.  Blog more.  Write more posts today.  And then go on to some titles or ideas.  Maybe you might want to plan it out for the whole week.

I think I'm only going to go a few days at a time, as I might want to keep writing in it during the day and I won't know how much space I will fill up on the page.  A blog planner could also be considered as a journal.  It's yet another form of the days thoughts.  Your inspiration.

Maybe you want to write the weeks schedule and have a few topics to write about each day.  And then you can go back and make sure you write about those things.

Map each day out and try to stick to your plans and go with your flow.  You never know what each day holds.  Good things I hope.

Jennifer Jo Fay

Copyrighted January 30, 2012

And have a chocolate fix as part of your day.  Sinful chocolate is always a good thing.


http://jennyjofayfancyphotography.com/  Wordpress where I'm writing my new novels.  Speaking of which I have to get back and write the next chapters soon.  I've been procrastinating.

If anyone likes paperdolls or knows someone who likes paper dolls, check out my paperdoll post on each of my blogs where my paper dolls are for sale:

http://jenniferpaperdolls.blogspot.com/  The Official Paper Doll Blog

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Knowing When to Stop and Take a Break

Don't we all need to take a break sometimes.  This is why I wasn't online on Blogger for the last few days.  I once again was feeling ill and didn't feel like writing.  It happens.  It was odd.  I had a cold for one solid day last week and was plugged up to the gills.  Then the next day made a miraculous recovery for the most part.

Once again, yesterday I was plugged up again severly.  Went through a whole box of Kleenex and had a watery eye.  Nothing seemed to work and I couldn't relieve myself.  And now today, I feel so much better.

Perhaps I am looking at possible allergies.  I remember from years back having whole months either in early summer or falltime where I would be severly plugged up for the majority of the month.  This was when I first realized that I had allergies.

I had never had any allergies as a kid.  And then suddenly as an adult I am not immune to them.

So when should we let ourselves take a break? 

Sometimes we just need to rest for a day and don't come to our blogs once in a while.  And then we have other days when we want to be writing constantly at the blogs.  But, sometimes we need to slow down and let our brains rest.

This is when we should be reading other people's things and giving our brains the much needed inspiration so that later on we can attempt to come back and write down our thoughts.  What if we never took breaks?  We would probably become washed out and drawn into the vast ocean and swallowed up.  We would run out of much needed energy.

And speaking of energy and metabolism, maybe a walk is needed.  I should do this tomorrow.  I wanted to start a walking routine.  But sometimes the blogger in me just wants to sit at the computer all day and write, surf the net, and go to Ebay.  Check my mail, do some social bookmarking and go to a few of my writing sites.

Jennifer Jo Fay

Copyrighted January 29, 2012


If anyone likes paperdolls or knows someone who likes paper dolls, check out my paperdoll post on each of my blogs where my paper dolls are for sale:

http://jenniferpaperdolls.blogspot.com/  The Official Paper Doll Blog

Saturday, January 28, 2012

What is One of the Stupid Things that you have done?

My reason for this topic, is that we all do stupid things.  All the time.  But some of these really dumb things we seem to remember.

This morning I was listening to John and Chantal in the morning on 95 Triplex.  If you are near the Vermont area, they are really funny.  And they do some really hilarious phone scams that are really off the wall.  This morning's phone scam was about a brother calling up his married brother to see if he could babysit his nephew.  He then went on to see if he could bring him to the park so he could score some chicks.  Of course his brother didn't want him to use his son as bait for that.  Then the brother talked about bringing him to the bars and all kinds of insane stuff.  He said that they could make some money and his friends could borrow the little four year old and they could make some money while his friends bring the little boy to the park so they could score some chicks. 

But, besides the phone scam, John and Chantal started talking about all kinds of stupid things they had done and people called up to tell their stories.  Chantal talked about walking into the wall and hitting the metal wall sconce.  This girl called up and told some stories about playing outside with guys playing football and she fell and broke her thumb.  Then a short while later, she was playing horseshoes with friends and the guy threw the horseshoe backwards and she broke her nose.  Then one evening they were playing hide and seek with cousins and she was in some bushes and she found out it was poison ivy so she had to go to the hospital for a violent reaction to it.  All in a space of a short bit.

After her story, Chantal said, "No more playing.  Take up video games or become a blogger."  I had to laugh at the latter part.  That's right, nothing too violent about blogging.  Unless if you fall asleep because you got bored with your blog and you hit the screen.

And some other really moronic things are when these guys are working on a house, barn or shed or some other project and they staple gun themselves with the nail gun.  Or fall off a ladder with a saw.  My friends husband did that one and he was lucky things weren't too serious.  Can you just imagine nailing yourself in the leg, foot or butt?  And I read one article on Triond that was about a guy who recently put a nail into his brain.  He didn't realize it and then later went in as he was having some symptoms and sure enough they could see a nail in there.  He was lucky and he ended up being okay.  Although I would hate to think of what the later on effects of that would be.

I've walked into the side of the wall before.  I've left my keys out overnight in my garden before.  I had been planting stuff one day and had on leggings and had no pockets for my keys, so I placed them down.  The next morning I was on the hunt for my keys and then I remembered I had set them down next to the petunias.

I hate it when I can't find my keys.  I'm always misplacing them.  I'll come into the apartment, set them down somewhere and about ten minutes later when I am ready to leave again, I can't remember where I put them.  And before I know it, I am sifting through all the junk in my pocketbook for the stupid keys.

And there is the other stupid thing of going out to the car to drive back to my place from the kids house and I sit down and realize that the keys are in the house.  My sister for some reason has left her keys inside the freezer.  I'm not sure of the reasoning behind that.  She did that once when she came to visit our house for one of the kids birthday parties.

What is one of the stupid things you have done?

Another one is going to bed and leaving the tv on downstairs or all the lights downstairs didn't get turned off.

Or perhaps you went to bed and forgot to lock the front door and you know you have to go down and lock it.

Here's another real stupid one.  Have you ever been baking and then you go away on your vacation?  This has happened to me on several occasions.  My family and I would be packing all day for a weekend trip to Maine to visit my family (or rather, I would be packing all day for the whole family while the kids entertained themselves). 

Of course I would also be baking and cooking things to bring with us.  I would sometimes be cooking up to the last twenty minutes before we were ready.  My husband would come home and then we both would be packing.  He was usually in charge of getting things into the coolers and other stuff.  Mind you, I am the woman who packs everything but the kitchen sink!  I always wanted to bring my doing stuff and I have always been one to over pack and pack too many things that I don't end up having time to use.

Well, we would all hop in the car and start driving.  We once got about forty five minutes into the trip and then I told my husband that I wasn't sure if I turned off the oven.  He was pissed and we ended up driving all the way back to see if it was turned off, (which it was).  I usually checked it too and he would check, but there was the occasional two to three times when I couldn't remember.  The other times, we hadn't gone as far but still it was a pain in the neck to turn around and add more time to the trip.

Ever try to bring a movie back to the rental and the cd isn't in the case?  Or forget to close the windows when it starts to rain?

Leave the ice cream container out for an hour and it all melts?  Forget to take the meat off the chicken or leave food out for a long time?  Leave a full soda can in the wrong spot and it spills?  Pour milk and miss the aim?

I almost forgot, has anyone remembered going to Junior High with their shirt inside out or backwards?  I've done that before.  Which was okay if it was Backwards Day, but if it wasn't you were pretty embarrassed.  And I guess one of the most embarrassing Junior High awkward moments would be arriving to school with no pad and you discover you needed one.  This is where many of us women have had to learn how to make our own pad.  Not the most comfortable thing in the world, but it worked.

What woman can't remember the fear of knowing you have stained through your undies and your jeans and you are so embarrassed and you are hoping that nobody can see it?  This would also be compounded if a young girl going through puberty is wearing white.  Then the whole world knows you are on the rag!

Then another embarrassing thing, (once again Junior High) I was feeling ill while in the classroom, so I got up and threw up in the middle of the floor as I was leaving the room.  Of course everyone started laughing.  And while I was gone, I'm sure it was the teacher's not so fun job of having to clean it up.  I got to gather my stuff after and go home for the rest of the day.

Another stupid thing, how about tripping in a marble hole or another stupid hole in the yard. I did this one night upon leaving my writing class.  It was dark and I didn't see the big hole in the driveway.  I fell on the rough tar and scraped up my knees really bad and tore through my jeans.  That was a mess for a good three weeks or more.  Took a while for that to disappear.

Another one, jamming your finger or thumb in the car and it ends up getting infected.  I had this stupid thing happen to me last year.

And one year when I worked retail, I started to drive my car in the dark and I rammed into one of those cement posts and dented the side of the car.  And one spring while collecting things from our camp that we had to give up and sell, I tried backing up the trailer attached to the van.  Didn't realize I wasn't supposed to back up with it, got stuck in muddy ruts and luckily our neighbor was next door working on his camp so he was able to fix my van for me so I could drive right out after.  Needless to say, two more dents to both sides of the back of the van.

And then this last fall, I got in an accident (her fault)  She cut in front of me as I was driving and I couldn't stop quick enough.  Dent in the front corner, but lucked out no broken headlight.  And my cat got knocked around in his carrier.  The stupid thing to this story was that she asked to borrow my cell phone, then neither one of us had insurance and she told me if I could back up and move the car I would be okay to go and which I took her up on the offer as I didn't want to get a fine from the cops.  Well, when I got home I realized she still had my phone and I didn't think to take down her liscense or get her name.  But she knew where I worked.  She was scatterbrained and never returned the phone either to my place of work or to the police station or Verizon.  And you can bet that that same day, I called up and got basic liability.  So now I am covered. 

And I am sure that there are many more stupid moronic things that we all do from time to time and there is no escaping it.

I guess one for my Junior High Principal would be forgetting to lock the bathroom door.  Once, when I was in the main office, I needed to use their bathroom and I walked in on the Principal sitting on the can.  He was embarrassed and I was.

Jennifer Jo Fay

Copyrighted January 28, 2012

Think back to all those memories of stupid things.  And hopefully we don't keep repeating them.  After a little while I learned to bake the day before a trip instead or do it early enough that I remember to turn off the oven.  And I have always been like my mother and bake in the middle of the hottest day in the summer.  Like Mother Like Daughter.  Things never change.

If anyone likes paperdolls or knows someone who likes paper dolls, check out my paperdoll post on each of my blogs where my paper dolls are for sale:

http://jenniferpaperdolls.blogspot.com/  The Official Paper Doll Blog

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Follow Your Calling and Follow Your Heart

What does your heart say to you?  Does it tell you to find your calling?  You usually know when you have found the thing that you are meant to do.  Some of us are put on this world to save lives.  They have a powerful calling to heal wounds and mend bodies.  Because all these people who need saving badly, also have a calling that is all their own.

The mother who sacrifices herself and her time and love to raise a child.  The worker who believes in hard work for a lifetime.  The artist who lives and breathes a dream.

We all have dreams, hopes, passions and things that we believe in the most and we all want to follow our hearts.

We dare to dream and reach for the moon.  To grasp a piece of imaginary cheese in our hands it the calling that beckons us to follow.  Follow your whims as they may lead you to your secret path.  Follow the cravings that tell you that you want more. 

Dare to race for the open door that has your name on it.  That door tells you that opportunity is knocking.  And an open door is always better than a closed one.  The closed door is the one you tried and it didn't work.  You didn't have the right key to the formula.  It didn't possess the magic like Harry Potters key.

Put hard work, long hours and lots of patience that good things will come.  Don't be discouraged when it doesn't happen overnight.  All good things take time and effort.  Not too many people become famous overnight.  For many will say, it took years and years and I finally got where I wanted to go.

Fly to great depths and hold onto your grounded self.  Fly on cloud 9, but come down and linger in reality that tells you your dream will take time.

Whatever your calling is, believe in it forever.  Don't let it drift away and become the sinking raft.

Stand by your dreams, and don't let anyone poke a hole in them.  Don't ever listen to defeat or it will have you by the tail.  And the devil will take you down with him.

Go with the flow, as each passing day holds new hope and promise for your calling to be fulfilled.  You are power, a goddess and a force so strong.  Leap across the rolling river, let your heartstrings run wild, and dare to swim across oceans to fulfill your calling to yourself and the world.

Your calling is waiting for you.  Go find it.

Jennifer Jo Fay

Copyrighted January 25, 2012

Hold the Rose and smell your dreams.


If anyone likes paperdolls or knows someone who likes paper dolls, check out my paperdoll post on each of my blogs where my paper dolls are for sale:

http://jenniferpaperdolls.blogspot.com/  The Official Paper Doll Blog

Wouldn't you rather be an Internet Junkie than a Junkie

Have you ever had anyone call you an Internet Junkie?  I have.  A few months ago, my sister called me an Internet Junkie.  At first it seemed hurtful and it stung a little bit.  I didn't enjoy being called a junkie.

The reason my sister called me this is because I seemed to be immersing myself into the Internet and I knew a lot more about the Internet than she did.  She holds down a regular job and has three kids.  Her husband is a carpenter.  They do use the Internet and their kids like to hop on, yet they aren't on the Internet all the time.  They probably only hop on for a little bit and it isn't all the time.  And they don't rely on the Internet for their jobs.  They are some of the lucky people to be able to hold down a local job that isn't connected with the Internet.

Yet, they do like all the gadgets that us Internet Junkies love.  They like the Iphones, tablets and other hi tech gadgets that controls everyones modern day lives.

Yet, for the past year, I have been one of the people who have been online searching out all kinds of things and opportunities.  I am one of the millions of people who are delving into the online internet and are searching for ways to earn money online.  It can be done.

So after a little bit, I learned to accept my new title, Internet Junkie.  I am proud of it.  It just means I am more knowledgeable of what the Internet has to offer people.  My sister and her family, brother and my father know nothing about earning money online.  They know nothing about writing online, blogging and starting a small business online.  Things I know about and they do not.  Of course, my father comes from the day and age where there were no computers.  He didn't grow up in the techno world. 

But I would much rather be an Internet Junkie than a Junkie.  I would never want to be a Junkie on crack and all kinds of terrible stuff. 

And I find writing online to earn some money to be really rewarding, especially when things start to pick up and I'm doing better on all the writing sites.  While we are new we have to go on a trial phase of learning the ropes and gaining our audience.  It all takes time. 

But the writing and earning online is a whole new ballpark that is here to stay and people need to accept that many of their loved ones are resorting to the Internet to make their money.  Many of us can no longer do it locally anymore.

Which will also be a reason, I will soon start to have my paper dolls for sale on my blogs.  I'm willing to try new things and see what happens.  The Internet is a great place that holds lots of opportunities.  We just have to be careful about the scary part of the Internet and not get sucked in. 

Jennifer Jo Fay

Copyrighted January 25, 2012

If anyone likes paperdolls or knows someone who likes paper dolls, check out my paperdoll post on each of my blogs where my paper dolls are for sale:

http://jenniferpaperdolls.blogspot.com/  The Official Paper Doll Blog

How to Make Compromises

We all need to learn the good practice of compromising.  It is what makes a good marriage work really well and last for a long time.  There are many times when we need to learn the art of the compromise.

Have you ever been in a long relationship or a marriage where you suddenly had to sit down, talk things out and learn to compromise?  Maybe you needed to express the things that you really wanted to strongly stand behind and your partner wasn't willing to do something for you.

This is when you need to talk things out.  Together as a team you need to decide what is important and then you need to work out a compromise to the situation that is going to work for you.

Maybe you want your lover, boyfriend or husband to help out more around the house.  And maybe he would like you to try not to nag him as much.  This is when you both need to realize what you want to happen with each other and make sure that things get played out to your liking.  Obviously, you want a change to happen in the sitution.

Maybe there is something he does all the time and you really don't like it.  And maybe there are things you do that are the same for him.  You both need to realize your faults and you need to work at it to make them better.

Maybe you just wish that he would bring you flowers a little more often.  Or express his love for you a little more.  Or maybe you want something different to happen in the bedroom.  You both need to discuss your wants and desires.  Lay it out on the table and express your needs.  If you do this often, things will change for the better if you are both willing to work at your relationships.

A good marriage or long lasting relationship is always open to compromise.  If you don't talk things out, you will always be wishing for something more.  And perhaps you won't end up getting it, because you didn't push for it.  And maybe the relationship will fizzle.

So if you want a relationship to last forever, learn the art of good compromising skills.  And always talk it out in a positive way.  Don't turn it into a yelling match.  Nobody likes to be criticized and hurt.  Harsh words always kill and you find yourself eating your words for breakfast.

Jennifer Jo Fay

Copyrighted January 25, 2012

If anyone likes paperdolls or knows someone who likes paper dolls, check out my paperdoll post on each of my blogs where my paper dolls are for sale:

http://jenniferpaperdolls.blogspot.com/  The Official Paper Doll Blog

Facts about Soap Operas

Who out there watches a soap opera?  I do.  I've been watching Days of Our Lives for years.  But I didn't start there. 

When I was either in junior high or high school, my sister and I started watching Guiding Light.  We watched that one for a while before we got hooked on Days of Our Lives.  I also in my early married years got addicted to As The World Turns.  I watched several soaps from one channel.

My mom, sister and I began watching Days Of Our Lives, back in the days of Kayla and Patch and the Stockholm mystery with bad guy Orpheus.  My mothers favorite scene was when Kayla got captured by Orpheus and it showed her being really surprised when Patch came in and rescued her.  That scene got played over and over again.

Sometimes my mom would tape the show when we were in college and we all were busy earlier in the day.  When we would come home, my mom would wait for us to get our cup of coffee or a late lunch and then we would settle down to watch the days events.

The basic facts about watching a soap opera is that the scenarios go on for months on end.

If you miss your soap opera for weeks on end or even during the summer time when your kids are home and they rule the tv channels, you can catch up on your soap opera in the fall and get right back to where you left off.  You aren't missing much.

A dead person can always come back to life.

Family members and other cast can always reprise a roll years later.  Like with Days of Our Lives this last summer or fall, they brought back Marlena, Roman, Austin, Carrie, and a few other members.

People are always getting buried alive, poisoned, shot and kidnapped, and they always get rescued.

There is always betrayal, lies and deceit and things getting covered up.  Blackmail, adultery, sleeping with the sisters husband and it stays locked up for many months.

Storylines get prolonged.

Actors or actresses go to another soap opera.  Eileen Davidson went from Young and the Restless to Days of Our Lives.

Soap operas are addicting.  We all have our favorite characters or storylines we like to watch.  My favorite recently has been the Jennifer Horton and Daniel scenes.  And then they also had to bring back Jack Deveruex.  A thorn in the side.

And then there is always the natural disaster that leaves all your characters either sleeping or dead or wounded.  And the character that has the elevator accident, but it really was planned.

Jennifer Jo Fay

Copyrighted January 25, 2012


If anyone likes paperdolls or knows someone who likes paper dolls, check out my paperdoll post on each of my blogs where my paper dolls are for sale:

http://jenniferpaperdolls.blogspot.com/  The Official Paper Doll Blog

Monday, January 23, 2012

The Online Writer Needs to Constantly Find New Sites to Write and Earn

I do like Triond and find the site user friendly.  It is a cool site.  I wish the earnings were more.  With Triond, you only see your earnings go up in pennies.  But with google adsense you get 50 % of the revenue.  Maybe that is the same with Triond, but it doesn't really seem like much.  But I wrote a bunch of poetry and articles there today and did notice that I earned some today with google adsense.  So it works a little bit.  Perhaps the trick with Triond is writing more stuff and the more active you are the better your success. 

I bet this is true with any site.  I wish I was still with Hubpages as I think I earned more money there.  Oh well.  I can't help it if I didn't know I was blogging and I can't come back to the site. 

So I just will have to find other places to write and earn.  I still haven't had any luck with Helium.  And I am learning you can't even write in the first person.  Too personal.  Nothing personal.  And there your articles get picked out for you.  You can't choose your titles.  I'm still waiting for my first star there and I haven't earned a thing and I've written about 17 articles there.  What is the good if you can't earn anything?

Wikinut and Wizzley are neat and I should try to write more at these two places.  I have yet to try Gather and Bukisa.  There is also ExpertColumns that I haven't signed up for yet.  I'm not sure if I want to if it is anything like Helium.

Then suddenly I forgot all about InfoBarrel and that I had an account there, so I was there writing my first real article there.  I didn't realize that you could write and earn there.  So I will try it and see what happens.  I guess you don't want to have all your eggs in one basket, so to speak.

And there is Squiddoo.  I have an account there too but it has been a while since I wrote anything.  I wasn't sure if I liked their set up.  At first I couldn't figure out their lense set up.  Maybe I just need to go back and give it another try.

And then I think there is Newsvine although I have yet to write an article there.

Igoogle is a good place for social bookmarking and then you can check to see where everyone is writing from.  Sometimes you hear about a site you hadn't heard before.  And there is of course Blogher.  But that is a place to get people to go to your blog more than anything.  You are basically posting for fun and advertising to your other places.  Although maybe there is a way to earn there too.  I haven't figured it out yet.

Anyway you have it, all these sites make a killing off us.  I recently read an article today on Triond that Triond makes about $500 or more a day on all of the ads and all of the articles that we publish.  So of course they make a killing on us.  It's really not fair.  Hopefully one of these days down the road all these sites will pay us a little better to write for them and let us see a better increase to our earnings. 

So keep writing for all these sites and use google adsense and amazon associates with all of them.  Although I have heard a lot of people don't really see too many earnings from Amazon.  What has to happen is that the person that clicks on an Amazon item has to actually buy the item from going through your article.  That's the only way you earn from Amazon.  So good luck.

I suppose you can earn a little bit anyway.  It can't be a complete loss.

My google adsense earnings are getting closer to the ten dollar payout.  Hopefully within a few months it will get to that.

Well, it's getting really late, and I should head to bed.

Jennifer Jo Fay

Copyrighted January 24, 2012


If anyone likes paperdolls or knows someone who likes paper dolls, check out my paperdoll post on each of my blogs where my paper dolls are for sale:

http://jenniferpaperdolls.blogspot.com/  The Official Paper Doll Blog

When Should You Block Someone?

As we search the Internet, we learn that sometimes we don't like what we see.  We start to get junk email from unknown people.  We are usually lucky and most of it goes into our spam.  Or if it doesn't, you can make it go into your spam.  You can also report things as abuse.

With Twitter, I have been starting to get some spammer direct messages.  Each person says, "I can't believe what this person is saying about you?"  The first time I got this, I clicked on the link that went with it.  I was curious what they were saying about me.  Well, immediately it comes to the Twitter page and Twitter tells you not to go any further as it is a malicious link.

So what I have been doing every time a person sends this message is, I go into Twitter, find their profile and I report them as spam.  Some were following me and some were not.

Sometimes, we have to go in and block stuff.  Sometimes we have to block messages or comments appearing on our blogs, or other writing sites.  I had done this on Hubpages a few times.  Once I did this when I had written some venting articles about a little girl stealing my nail polish.  I had been ticked off at how the parents had handled it and I had to get the police involved to get my nailpolish back.  The father was a terrible father.  He waited four hours and didn't even bother to march his little girl over to return the stolen stuff.  Anyway, my new novel The Thief Who Wouldn't Learn is going to be loosely based on it.

But at the time, I was getting nasty comments from people who knew the family and I didn't want them to appear on my articles.  I ended up deleting the articles at a later date anyway, but I had perfect right to vent.

When I used to chat with those MySpace guys last year, I reported a lot of them as spam.  Especially after they all asked me for money.  Every single one got reported for spam.

And today, I have found myself blocking a few people in igoogle.  I went to igoogle just a half hour ago to post some of my stuff I had written from Triond and I scrolled down to see what was on my page.  Suddenly I come to a moving picture of a woman and a man having sex.  Like I needed to see that.  I wrote a comment about how this kind of thing needs to be left private or on a pornosite.  I told the person to get that kind of thing off igoogle and told him it is igoogle and not a pornographic site.

Then I scrolled down some more and discovered a moving cartoon of a woman in the middle of three men, sucking on ones u know what and the other two mens u know whats going in and out.  Once again, needs to be left to a porno site.  I learned how to block both men.

It's a little different if it is a simple cartoon picture of a nude man and woman if it comes with a funny joke.  Somethings are tasteful and okay.  And some nude pictures of men and woman are an art form if it is tastefully done.

So anytime you are offended by something that appears on your page, you have the right to block it or report or flag something as abuse.  And sometimes people get creepy emails or other stuff, that might weird you out.  Yes, you can block and report.  You don't need to put up with it.

And today I have been dealing with Ebay and reporting a buyer as abuse.  If you have been following a bunch of my posts, I have been dealing with a buyer that wasn't satisfied with her purchase of her vintage Tammy doll.  Well all along I was telling her that she had to return the doll if she wants her full refund.  She sent me quite a few nasty emails and  a few were threatening to give me negative feedback and report me as fraud.

I had earlier called Ebay on this and they said if she sends negative feedback they can retract it.  Well, last Saturday she opened a case against me, which told me I was to give her a full refund upon return of the doll.  Which was all along the whole idea and myself and Ebay were telling her to return the doll.  Yesterday, she closed the case and didn't want to return the doll.  Happy on my end, she didn't end up getting her refund.  And I went to look at my feedback yesterday and sure enough, her nasty feedback, "This seller is a fraud."

I have since called Ebay this morning to settle the matter.  Ebay has retracted the negative feedback, and I have asked Ebay to report her for abuse, defamation of character, extortion and threatening emails.  They are going to look at all the messages to see if she has violated Ebay policies which I'm sure she has.  She will be getting a warning and will not be able to buy anything in the future.  I haven't decided not to block her yet as I want to know what happens.  I want to go in and see if she got reported.  And once I find out and am satisfied, I'm gonna block her.

I also blocked another buyer that won a doll and she never ended up paying for it.  So I blocked her from bidding on my stuff again.

So block someone anytime you feel offended, don't know them or anything else happens.

Sometimes we have the need to unfriend someone too on our Facebook pages.  I have had a bunch of people trying to friend me and I didn't know any of them.  A few I unfriended as soon as they requested to get me on video messenger with them.  And one tagged me with an inappropriate picture and I unfriended them.  So with Facebook, check out their profile before you decide to friend them.  Especially if you don't know them.

Jennifer Jo Fay

Copyrighted January 23, 2012


If anyone likes paperdolls or knows someone who likes paper dolls, check out my paperdoll post on each of my blogs where my paper dolls are for sale:

http://jenniferpaperdolls.blogspot.com/  The Official Paper Doll Blog